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Messages - trudysgarden

Al Emmo & the Lost Dutchman's Mine Forum /
July 07, 2006, 08:09:43 PM
?  The game is not released yet, right?  :O
General Forum /
June 28, 2006, 09:48:21 PM
I'm in Central NY.  I did get through but I had to do it as an unregistered guest.  Do you guys have a release date yet?

happy trails,

General Forum /
June 28, 2006, 05:47:01 PM
Congrats on the demo AG.  I sent all my spies over there to try it out.

happy trails,


ETA:  I just tried to pre order AE and the registration won't take my info.  Will try again later.
General Forum /
June 12, 2006, 08:54:44 AM
I would have liked to buy Ankh, but I objected to the price, so it'll wait until I can buy it used.

Shadows of Destiny - I started this last fall, couldn't get into it at the time but it's still on the drive.  

For humor you can't beat Psychonauts (I know, not an adventure game).  I've put off finishing it because I enjoy it so much.  Tough game, though.

I actually fell asleep at the keyboard while playing Syberia with my daughter.  Will never live this down with her, since she loved it.

Totally agree that the games that have been released in the last few years lack a certain sparkle, I haven't found many of them that compelling and have caught myself more than once wishing during the middle of one of them that they would just get on with it, for crying out loud.  For this reason I now play more action/adventure and RPGs.  In fact I just finished Keepsake and kind of wish I could take a broadsword to the main characters in return for the torture of all the to-ing and fro-ing they made me do.

Two that I found myself thinking about when I wasn't on the computer playing them:  Still Life and more recently Secrets of Da Vinci - The Forbidden Manuscript.  I'm hoping I can add Al Emmo to this short list soon.

happy trails,

Al Emmo & the Lost Dutchman's Mine Forum /
June 12, 2006, 08:39:05 AM
We recycle cans and bottles in NY.  They're worth .05 ea.  My kids joke that I never take them back until I need $ for a new game.
Al Emmo & the Lost Dutchman's Mine Forum /
June 11, 2006, 07:58:32 PM
Since I need 2 of them, I'd better take those cans and bottles back to the store......................
Al Emmo & the Lost Dutchman's Mine Forum /
June 11, 2006, 07:16:45 AM
Hmm, I have to agree with the CD then.  I originally thought there would be many CDs, not just possibly 2.  If there are only 2, no biggie.

Anxiously awaiting word of the release


happy trails,

I caught some of the discussion down under about the upcoming release format - CDs or DVD.  Have any decisions been made about that?  I would much prefer a DVD to 4+ CDs and it might be more cost efficient in the long run.  Just curious.

Am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to order the game!

happy trails,

General Forum /
April 16, 2006, 05:04:12 AM
Huzzah, we'd love an interview.  I'll be back at my regular digs later on tonight and we'll set something up then.

The poll on the home page here is a good idea.  I could run a poll for you in conjunction with the interview as well at Spyglass.

happy (Easter) trails,

General Forum /
April 12, 2006, 10:53:45 PM
Getting the word out on the various gaming forums, especially with a playable demo will probably sell most of the first 1500.  A lot of energy involved there but a minimum of cash outlay.  I also think a few contests or some kind of special item included with the first batch of games will make it somewhat collectible.  Many collectors will end up buying 2 copies - one to stay sealed for the collection and one to play.

It sounds like the price will be reasonable, lately a good sales point.  

Maybe a few interviews - I know our forum would love to do one.  We enjoy the inside scoop about how it all comes together.

happy trails,
