Looking for AL Emmo!

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Does anyone have Al Emmo and ready to part with it yet?

Thanks a bunch!


...? What's the difference between you buying it from someone else rather than buying it from the website itself??


MI...I wish I could afford buying it direct...unfortunatly the only way I'm able to play the games is either by trading or waiting until someone has played it and is ready to pass it on ......Please forgive me if I have offended anyone.


sassyladi, I have a suggestion I hope may help. Have you seen the visa/mastercard gift cards in your area?

They are getting to be fairly widely available, and it was the answer to my internet purchase woes. You can put anywhere from 25.00 to 200.00 in one of these prepaid beauties and it works just like a regular card but with much less risk. I used one to buy Al Emmo from Telltale games.   :) @

Its great for those of us whose families/parents/spouses etc don't like the risk of internet purchasing.  :cool:

Susan  <):)